Subject Verb Agreement Worksheets with Answers Class 6

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar concept that students must master. It is a basic rule that states that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. In other words, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. To help students understand this concept better, teachers often give subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers to class 6 students.

Subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers for class 6 usually contain various exercises, including fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, and matching questions. These exercises help students practice identifying the correct subject-verb agreement in a sentence. By doing so, they can improve their grammar skills and avoid common mistakes that often occur in writing.

One example of a subject-verb agreement worksheet with answers for class 6 is a multiple-choice exercise that requires students to choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject. For instance, the worksheet may state the following sentence: „Mary and her friends _____ going to the mall.” The options for the verb could be „is,” „are,” or „be.” Students will have to choose the correct verb, which in this case is „are” because the subject is plural.

Another type of subject-verb agreement worksheet with answers for class 6 is the fill-in-the-blank exercise. In this exercise, students must complete a sentence by filling in the blank with the correct verb form. For instance, the worksheet may state the following sentence: „The dog _____ to the park every day.” Students will have to fill in the blank with the correct verb form, which in this case is „goes” because the subject, „dog,” is singular.

Subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers for class 6 are an excellent way for students to practice their grammar skills. By doing so, they can improve their writing and communication skills. Teachers can use these exercises to assess a student`s understanding of the subject-verb agreement concept and provide feedback to help them improve. Overall, subject-verb agreement worksheets with answers for class 6 are a useful tool in teaching students how to write grammatically correct sentences.