Douglas College Collective Agreement 2019

Douglas College Collective Agreement 2019: An Overview

Douglas College is a well-known public post-secondary institution located in British Columbia, Canada. The college is committed to providing quality education and support services to its students and employees. As part of its commitment to its employees, the college negotiates and signs collective agreements with its labour unions. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Douglas College Collective Agreement 2019, which covers the period from April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2022.

What is a Collective Agreement?

A collective agreement (CA) is a legally binding agreement between an employer and a union that represents the employees. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and other workplace policies. Collective agreements are negotiated by the union and the employer, and the terms agreed upon are binding on both parties.

Overview of the Douglas College Collective Agreement 2019

The Douglas College Collective Agreement 2019 covers two unions, the Douglas College Faculty Association (DCFA) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3338 (CUPE 3338). The agreement outlines various provisions for the two unions, including:

1. Wages: The collective agreement provides for salary increases for both the DCFA and CUPE 3338 members. DCFA members will receive a 1.5% increase in the first year, a 1.75% increase in the second year, and a 2% increase in the third year. CUPE 3338 members will receive a 2% increase in each of the three years.

2. Benefits: The agreement provides for extended health and dental benefits for both unions. The coverage includes vision care, massage therapy, chiropractic services, and other healthcare services.

3. Job security: The agreement outlines job security provisions for the two unions. DCFA members who have completed six years of continuous service will receive a presumption of contract renewal. CUPE 3338 members who are laid off will have the right to be recalled to any available work for 24 months after layoff.

4. Leaves: The agreement provides for various leave provisions, including maternity, parental, bereavement, and sick leave.

5. Workload: The agreement outlines provisions for managing workload and sets limits on the number of courses or hours assigned to each faculty member.

6. Grievance procedure: The agreement outlines a grievance procedure for resolving disputes between the union and the employer.


The Douglas College Collective Agreement 2019 provides for various provisions for the DCFA and CUPE 3338 unions. These provisions ensure that the employees receive fair wages, benefits, job security, and other workplace policies. The collective agreement is a vital document that governs the relationship between the union and the employer and helps in maintaining a harmonious and productive work environment.