Agreement in French Grammar

Agreement in French Grammar: The Key to Accurate Writing and Communication

French grammar is known for its intricate rules, and one of the most important concepts in French grammar is agreement. Agreement is the act of ensuring that different parts of a sentence agree with one another in terms of gender, number, and person. In French, this principle applies to nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and verbs.

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of agreement in French grammar and provide you with some tips to master this important concept.

1. Noun Agreement

In French, every noun is assigned a gender, either masculine or feminine. Nouns that represent male beings are usually masculine, while those that represent female beings are usually feminine. For example, “le chat” (the cat) is masculine, while “la chaise” (the chair) is feminine.

In addition to gender, nouns also have a number, either singular or plural. To ensure proper noun agreement, the adjective that describes the noun must agree in gender and number. For example, “le chat noir” (the black cat) requires the adjective “noir” to be masculine and singular to match the gender and number of “chat.”

2. Adjective Agreement

Adjectives in French must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. This means that if the noun is feminine and plural, the adjective must be feminine and plural as well. For example, “les chaises rouges” (the red chairs) require the adjective “rouges” to be feminine and plural to match the gender and number of “chaises.”

If the noun is masculine and feminine, the adjective must be masculine. For example, “le livre bleu” (the blue book) requires the adjective “bleu” to be masculine, even though “livre” is a masculine noun.

3. Pronoun Agreement

Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun, and they too must agree in gender and number with the noun they replace. For example, “la maison” (the house) becomes “elle” (she) when replaced by a pronoun.

4. Verbal Agreement

Verbs in French must also agree in number and person with the subject of the sentence. For example, “Je mange” (I eat) requires the verb “mange” to be singular and first-person to match the subject “Je.”

Tips for Mastering Agreement in French Grammar

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to mastering agreement in French grammar is to practice regularly. Try to write and speak in French as much as possible to get a feel for how the language works.

2. Pay Attention to Gender and Number

When examining a sentence, pay careful attention to the gender and number of each noun, adjective, and pronoun to ensure proper agreement.

3. Use a Grammar Tool or Reference Book

If you’re still struggling with agreement in French grammar, consider using a grammar tool or reference book to help you. These tools can provide examples and explanations to help you understand the concept better.


In French grammar, agreement is a key concept that ensures accurate communication and writing. By mastering the rules of noun, adjective, pronoun, and verb agreement, you can improve your French language skills and communicate more effectively. With regular practice and attention to detail, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a French grammar expert.